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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Oscar the Nursing Home Cat > pbase full Oscar on the bed July 5 2009 _DSC5625.jpg
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pbase full Oscar on the bed July 5 2009 _DSC5625.jpg

Oscar the nursing home cat --

Lighting set up - blend of window lighting from directly behind me with SB 800 flash bounced into a 30 inch umbrella that was on light stand about 6 feet off the floor. The Flash was about 3 o'clock from the cat (12 o'clock). TTL with D700 set on comander mode.

I really like the blend of natural lighting and flash. This is my favorite of our Sunday session.

Based on votes, I believe that I won lunch!

Nikon D700
1/80s f/4.5 at 24.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Gayle P. Clement08-Jul-2009 02:41
This is lovely, Joan. The whites are perfect.