Landscapes of Denmark by Flemming Bo Jensen Photography
Brambling - Kvækerfinke - Fringilla montifringilla - Pinzón real - Pinsà mec by Cristian Jensen
Havørn (Haliaeetus abicilla) by oedegaard
ZD 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 Digital examples by Jørgen Erik Christensen
Blaahals (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) by oedegaard
Gallery: Tivoli by anhminh
MAY 07 by Timothy Nunan
Nature, Denmark by Jørgen Erik Christensen
Denmark (Tor and Inga Jorgensen) by R McBee
Sikker and the Lizards by Jannik Lindquist
Stellersand (Polysticta stelleri) by oedegaard
A cold day in Copenhagen by Ebbe Suntum